Fishing life
Boa pesca.
Anzóis, camping, carretilha, vara de pescar, iscas, tarrafa, linhas, molinete, barcos e muito mais.... a pescaria exige do pescador todo um aparato para que consiga seu objetivo: O peixe.
O Brasil conta hoje com 1,084 milhão de pescadores que contribuem para a produção anual de 765 mil toneladas (2013) de pescado. A produção brasileira poderia ainda ser maior. De acordo com o Ministério da Pesca e da Aquicultura, hoje a perda é de 20% a 25% pelo mau acondicionamento por conta da frota com tecnologia defasada (40%). Atualmente, o Brasil contribui com cerca de 8% da produção no oceano Atlântico, mas o governo pretende chegar a 15%.
Desde que há memória a pesca sempre fez parte das culturas humanas, não só como fonte de alimento, mas também como modo de vida, entretenimento e lazer, ou ainda fornecendo identidade a inúmeras comunidades, e como objeto artístico. Enquanto a pesca é o próprio ato de capturar animais aquáticos ou de os criar, uma pescaria é o conjunto do ecossistema e de todos os meios que nele atuam – barcos e artes de pesca – para capturar uma espécie ou um grupo de espécies afins.
Segundo os pescadores a Lua exerce influência na pesca, assim podemos classificar as fases da Lua da seguinte forma: lua cheia – ótima para pesca; lua minguante – boa para pesca; lua nova – ótima para pesca e lua crescente – regular para pesca. As fotos dessa série foram realizadas na região litorânea do Estado do Paraná e de Santa Catarina no sul do Brasil.
Aiming to demonstrate my capacity for records that transit between all areas of photography?
Recommendation: keep only artistic photos Luiz?
It is very complex to follow the orientations of the art market and its agents always suggesting me to avoid publishing in my photographic site the mixture of artistic, documentary and any other images that are part of my life to please a certain public. So this album is published as a tribute to the Brazilian fishermen in the region where I live, whose main economic activity is fishing. I have a lot of difficulty in time and availability to maintain different sites for all the records I make. Sometimes a photo in an album like this can please someone. To give you an idea, my most viewed albums that I removed from this website were the ones that had nothing to do with my work. Good fishing. Whether it was worth it or not I trust Rappa and the song: Fisherman of Illusions.
Hooks, camping, reel, fishing rod, bait, lines, reel, boats and much more .... the fishery requires of the fisherman a whole apparatus to achieve its objective: The fish.
Today, Brazil has 1.084 million fishermen who contribute to the annual production of 765 thousand tons (2013) of fish. Brazilian production could still be higher. According to the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture, today the loss is 20% to 25% due to bad packaging due to the fleet with lagged technology (40%). Currently, Brazil contributes about 8% of production in the Atlantic Ocean, but the government intends to reach 15%.
Fishing has always been a part of human culture, not only as a source of food, but also as a way of life, entertainment and leisure, or providing identity to countless communities, and as an artistic object. While fishing is the very act of catching or creating aquatic animals, a fishery is the set of the ecosystem and all the means in which it operates - boats and fishing gear - to catch a species or group of related species.
According to the fishermen the Moon exerts influence in the fishing, so we can classify the phases of the Moon as follows: full moon - great for fishing; waning crescent moon - good for fishing; New moon - great for fishing and crescent moon - regular for fishing.
The photos of this series were taken in the coastal region of the State of Paraná and Santa Catarina in southern Brazil.