Diferentes avistagem de um mesmo cenário. Haja luz! Bambu é uma planta da subfamília Bambusoideae, uma da família das gramíneas (Poaceae ou Gramineae). Essa subfamília se subdivide em duas tribos, uma Bambuseae (os bambus chamados de lenhosos) e uma Olyrae (os bambus chamados herbáceos). As espécies variam e novas espécies e variedades são adicionadas a um ano, mas são cerca de 1250 espécies no mundo, separadas entre 90 gêneros, presentes de forma nativa em todos os continentes menos na Europa. Habitualmente, as ondas de alta temperatura e temperadas e topográficas (do nível do mar até acima de 4.000 metrôs). Bambuzal é uma mata repleta de bambu. Essa série foi criada para demonstrar as inúmeras possibilidades de registro da incidência da luz solar num bambuzal conforme a disposição do fotógrafo. Nota-se a presença do raio verde e do raio violeta em uma das fotos.
Different sightings of the same scenario. Let there be light!Bamboo is a plant of the subfamily Bambusoideae, one of the grass family (Poaceae or Gramineae). This subfamily is subdivided into two tribes, one Bambuseae (the bamboos called woody) and one Olyrae (the bamboos called herbaceous). Species vary and new species and varieties are added to a year, but there are about 1250 species in the world, separated from 90 genera, natively present on every continent except Europe. Typically, high temperature and temperate and topographic waves (from sea level up to over 4,000 metros). Bambuzal is a forest full of bamboo. This series was created to demonstrate the innumerable possibilities of recording the incidence of sunlight in a bamboo tree according to the photographer's disposition. Note the presence of the green ray and the violet ray in one of the photos.
Different sightings of the same scenario. Let there be light!Bamboo is a plant of the subfamily Bambusoideae, one of the grass family (Poaceae or Gramineae). This subfamily is subdivided into two tribes, one Bambuseae (the bamboos called woody) and one Olyrae (the bamboos called herbaceous). Species vary and new species and varieties are added to a year, but there are about 1250 species in the world, separated from 90 genera, natively present on every continent except Europe. Typically, high temperature and temperate and topographic waves (from sea level up to over 4,000 metros). Bambuzal is a forest full of bamboo. This series was created to demonstrate the innumerable possibilities of recording the incidence of sunlight in a bamboo tree according to the photographer's disposition. Note the presence of the green ray and the violet ray in one of the photos.